Adults with Learning Disabilities

Individualised and therapeutic care

At Contemplation Care we encourage all Service Users to lead a full and active life. To do this it is important that we, as a staff team, get to know the individual so that we are able to support them with their choices.

Personalised care plans are developed with all Service Users at the home. These are Service User led and  encompass a person centred approach in all aspects of their lives.

Each Service User is given the opportunity to work with a named key worker on the development of their plans and is given time to work towards reaching their aspirations with clear time scales set for review and reflection.

Activities and community access

The home is based in the small town of New Milton in the New Forest. The home is in close proximity to the railway station and is in walking distance from the town centre.

Throughout the week at Contemplation Care we encourage the Service Users to go out of the home and participate in local activities organised by other providers as well as ourselves.

Some of the other providers we are involved with are Brockenhurst College and Fusee House who are able to offer college courses and life skills development.

The home has its own transportation and is used by the Service Users to access the local area. This is arranged on a one to one basis or as a small group depending on individual choice.

There are many places of interest in the local area and some we have visited include Lyndhurst, Southampton, zoos, ten pin bowling and pub trips.

The staffing team

The staffing levels for the home are based upon the needs of the Service Users who live there.

The Manager, Sue Lowe has an NVQ level 5 qualification in Leadership for Health and Social Care and has worked in the health and social care sector for  over 20 years.

All staff appointed to work at the home complete a thorough induction programme which encompasses the philosophy of the home and our aims. We also provide a wide range of training to ensure that our staff are aware of the needs of the Service Users and have the skills to ensure they are able to fully support them.

Basic training includes:
Autism awareness
First Aid
Fire and health and safety
NVQ 2 & 3
Infection control
Safe handling of medications
Moving and handling
Conflict management
Epilepsy awareness
Food hygiene and nutrition