Our Home
Two Beeches was originally built as a large private residence but changed to a nursing home many years ago and currently comprises 10 single bedrooms and 7 shared rooms. There are 4 full bathrooms, all with assisted baths, one with a spa facility.
There is a large lounge/dining room stretching from the front to the back of the house, and a conservatory overlooking the rear gardens for residents, their families and friends to enjoy. The lounge has a television, radio, DVD and video player.
We also have a selection of books in both large and regular print.
The bedrooms are well equipped and furnished and we encourage our residents to bring in personal items such as ornaments and photographs to enable them to feel completely at home. Families can install personal televisions and telephones as they wish.
Our garden is large, attractive, and well established with a gazebo and patio area. The rear garden overlooks woodland. We often have afternoon tea in the garden.
There is ample car parking within the grounds of Two Beeches.
Our Team
The Matron, Sue Lambe, has the day to day responsibility for the running of Two Beeches. Sue is a Registered General Nurse and is registered with the Care Quality Commission as the Manager of Two Beeches.
Sue is supported by a team of skilled nurses and care staff who have an on-going programme of training and development which enables them to plan and deliver the appropriate care required to meet the individual needs of our residents.
The home has excellent cleaning, laundry, maintenance and gardening ancillary staff who ensure the home is always well presented and provides a safe and comfortable environment.
Our chefs know good food means happy people. So they ensure that each resident’s dietary preferences and specific nutritional needs needs are catered for, with a selection of home-prepared and home-cooked meals served to the highest standard throughout the day.
Please feel free to visit the home at any time or telephone to make an appointment with Sue and her team to arrange a guided tour and to discuss Two Beeches Nursing Home.



